Move It B Dry Needling Course
Move It B offers a one of a kind, comprehensive dry needling course to teach you all the tools to become more of an efficient and effective practitioner. This course integrates different ways a practitioner can incorporate dry needling into their practice whether it’s combining it with manual therapy or corrective exercises. Move It B Dry Needling will provide all the tools and knowledge you need to understand how to incorporate different theoretical models to provide the best care for your patients.
What You’ll Learn
Participants will learn dry needling techniques for treatment of the lower/upper extremities, craniofacial, lumbar, and cervicothoracic musculoskeletal conditions. Occupational therapists will learn the upper extremities portion of the course. Dry needling of the tendons, musculotendinous junction and bone will also be taught as an essential skill of musculoskeletal dry needling practice.
This course does include, but is not limited to, dry needling specific to neuromusculoskeletal conditions such as TMJ dysfunction, cervicogenic head, radiculopathy, shoulder/hip impingement, sciatica, herniated disc, facet joint dysfunction, strains and sprains.
Course Objective
Demonstrate competency in the indications, contraindications, and precautions regarding to dry needling.
Apply clinical reasoning in the application of dry needling.
Integrate manual therapy, electrical stimulation, and cupping with dry needling and in common pathologies.
Safely perform dry needling and minimize potential for complications.
Integrate anatomy palpation for safety consideration when inserting a dry needle into a patient.
Master the application of intramuscular electrical stimulation in common sports and orthopedic pathologies.
Areas Covered
Lower Extremity - Hip/Thigh, Lower Leg, Foot/Ankle
Upper Extremity - Shoulder Girdle, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Wrist/Hand
Spine - Cervical/TMJ, Thoracic, Lumbar
Admission Standards
All clinicians should be familiar with their state's current legislation and required contact hours on dry needling intervention prior to participating in the course. No prerequisites are needed for this three-day 23 hour (or one-day 8 hour for Occupational Therapists) dry needling course.
Texas PT Association - 23 CEUs
Texas OT Association - 8 CEUs
▫️ Licensed Physical Therapist
▫️ Licensed Occupational Therapist
▫️ Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant
▫️ DPT (3rd year student)
11412 Buvinghausen St Suite 3D, Tomball, TX 77377